Saturday, January 8, 2011


:] Dec 8 2011

                Just now, I've just recovered from the after shock of the most powerful thing that can drive you crazy!                     THE EYE CONTACT!
                Many of you may think that I'm talking about contacts, that ones that makes your eyes look smokey or something that can be considered as accessories. YOU'RE WRONG BABY! I'm talkin' bout makin eye contacts! See, I have this crush, he's HAWT, he's SMART, he's HANDSOME, he's ATHLETIC and he lives blocks away from my house, so, we're pretty much neighbors. I met him when I was young, I mean younger when my sister was 10, he's brother was 10, when I was 8, when he was 8, when my lil bro was 6 and his lil sis was 6. Our age linked, so we kinda relate to each other, every 4 in the afternoon we play outdoor games, we baked cake out of mud, everything that is left to play, we play. We're kids, what do you expect? For two years, this was our routine, but when my big sister and his big brother was turning 12 and doesn't want to play anymore coz' they think its childish, our friendship gradually faded. Now, we're not Rugrats anymore. We fix ourselves whenever our subdivision we live in holds this occasion. We don't bid hey or hello anymore. We act like we don't know each other. IT SUCKS. But it's okay. Despite all those vices, this crush of mine use eye contact! We <= ( baw we... ahaha! ) Yeah, we do that. There's just something behind those eyes when it locks to mine. There is something in those eyes that makes me want to jump, scream, fly, sing ( lalalalalaa! ) ,
dance ( boohhyah!), chew furniture, pull my sisters' hair, hug the pillow so tight, whip my hair back and forth! , for short it makes me want to DRIVE MYSELF CRAZY! His pretty beautiful eyes are just indescribably indescribable! SHAYT!  Bare with me! If you feelin' me, you ain't crazy! Wings are just growing behind your back, makes you want to fly! So fly like a g6!

- Kel, have a lovely day you guys :)
I'm open for corrections, just comment or somethin :D

Friday, December 31, 2010


Dear 2010,
Before you expire and before I bid goodbye. I’d like to thank for all the things that happened to me this year. I cried four times this year which I am marking coz I hate cryin’, but not to mention, crying can change me. Thank you for that time when my phone was stolen and I cried to my batch mates, that was humiliating, I was in despair I skipped two days without sleeping, still I learned. I was careless. Next, I cried to my brother the day after I told him I want to cut his head off. Now, at least he knew what two roundhouses felt like. I don’t like my temper dominating me, it can destroy my reputation. I hugged him and bought him gifts than can deceive him to accept my apology muhahaha!. Keep poise. Yeah, I effin’ learned. Hmmm.. What else? Ah! When I cried over the phone begging my mom to let me practice. I didn’t learned that much from that event but hell I cried! And my last crying scene was an art , it just fell, that cool feeling when it just dropped and you feel like those on the movie, nah, I’m kiddin’. See, I was watching this video that was part of our reflection, I was curious of what it contained, I was shocked, I saw it once and I budge replay. I knew it was sad, but I just wanted to cry, coz it didn’t felt like Christmas. Two thousand and ten, I’m gonna miss you. And by the way, don’t mind those pessimistic people, I mean this year didn’t suck that bad, but if to others it did. I think 2011 is another chance for them to rejuvenate again and to retaliate for those things that they left regretting. To those optimistic people that remained smiling, on behalf of 2010 ( baw. Behalf) thanks for regarding mess as message and appearing as if victims are victors, keep the fate alive.  Teh. Goodbye lang da ah.. Good riddance gd nga gina tawag. Huhuhu sa tuod lang hindi ko ka move on. CHARROT.
Happy New Year sa tanan! 


Thursday, December 23, 2010


Dec 24, 2010

I never felt this contained. This will be remembered since this is my first time to complete the Aguinaldo mass. Aguinaldo masses are only held once a year for 9days at 5am in the morning. Nine days before the 25th of December, to Catholics, this mass is for the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ. They say, if you complete those 9days without fail you'll have a wish. Well, I did asked for something. I asked for faith. If troubles and problems passes by me and my family, I wish that faith will always be there. I didn't feel like its Christmas even though to the edge of the slightest, but I felt the power of contentment. I grab those gospels I learned from the mass and filled myself with it. I felt tall, cool and valorous. LOLS :))

Good Day to all!!! And have a Merry Merry Christmas!
BTW, I'm so excited because later to this day's eve, a mass will be held on our chapel at 6pm. I'll see my crush since we live together in the same subdivision. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. This will be a very HAWT Christmas! :))

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Witch Doctor. No, I mean.. Love Doctor.

For real, I've been working with this blog for almost 2days now. Its hard to decide how to put all these into a title. Well, just now I told myself to leave it blank for a while. Maybe thats just it you know. Love is indescribable, its hard to define it, if you have your own love life or whatever status you're in. Its hard to put your story to a plot that you don't even know how your title goes or how your story started or even how it ends. Tell me about it, it's life. Whether you're in that current situation that you  know how your love life goes, still you don't have your plot. Talking about status is the latest report where you're standing at or to your current situation that defines how you're doing. I'm confuse to what I'm writing about, you're confused to what you're reading about. To tell you the truth, my drafts are piling up rewriting this shit. I'M TALKING ABOUT LOVE. INTO PEOPLE'S LIVES. HOW YOU DEAL WITH YOUR STATUS. AND HOW TO PUT A TITLE INTO IT WITH YOUR EFFIN PLOT. My apologies, eh ehm ( clears throat )** .

From the Gospel I heard, there's no love if there's no communion otherwise its useless. Well, its undeniable.
How can somebody tell that they love someone if they don't accept a single fact about them? Communion, you receive and accept. But what if you accept everything about them but you don't truly love them? That's what we call unrequited love. You love someone but he/she doesn't love you back. Its like getting busted. The fact is, sooner or later you'll find someone that both of you fit together perfectly. Soon, you'll be thanking. I believe that everything does not happen coincidently, it ain't luck. Your life is set already, its up to you how you thrive with it, to bare is to understand, to understand is to enjoy. So, you may say that your life sucks and its unfair that others are too lucky, but have you thought that you're also others to others? Everything happens for a purpose, whether you like it or not it will happen, bare with it coz IT ONLY GETS BETTER. Love evolves and revolves, life is meaningless without it. If there's love theres problems, if there's problems there is love. If you want love to enter you life, you should also open your life with problems. Well now, how about.. You really love this person, he/she loves you too. But you felt like your love for him is greater than he loves you. Being in a relationship needs two people loving eachother EQUALLY. Otherwise, both legs will shake, it will out balance. It needs two legs that have equal length to make the plane stable. How about you're in a distant relationship? Will it work? HELL YES!!! The question only lies to the couple who's suffering from it. It will work unless those couples are cooperative against eachother, i mean... They should always be there for eachother directly, both of them should put big efforts to make their love work, if not, it'll start to fade, it'll crash them apart. Honestly, I really don't know since I'm not suffering any. Being a Love Doctor is a big effin career, your clients are all over the world, with different love problems. TIP. If your age is not mature enough to go through these. And if you think yourself can't afford to manage it, its better to settle with crushes coz you've got nothing to lose ;))

For more questions or whatsoever, COMMENT BELOW. If this sucks. I WILL SURELY DELETE THIS BLOG. 


Thursday, December 16, 2010

you do. you did. you thought. you regret.

Okay, life's tricky at times that we wished we can rewind the past and had redone things we should've  thought over before we finally decide that its the right thing to do, if its the best choice out of those other choices,if our pride is the only option and dang worst, if we feel like deciding while you're at your maddest. If you took your time and meditated for awhile. Yeah, its the human term which is better known to the whole world than I wish I can redo things, its REGRET.

Before getting to that, my day today was as one minute equal to those of the other days like it felt like just a prick on your skin and the day is done. Maybe my day had ended but tonight hasn't. 

My grandmother woke me up 4am in the morning for the Aguinaldo mass or the famous mass, Simbang Gabi.
I got up and went to bath and doing my best to make myself alive. 
7am ticked, I woke up again and stared at my clothes. I forgot that I slept again. My mom asked me if I was ready, I told her I was, I lied. I opened the door of the car and budged in. She asked me why i wasn't in my uniform, I told her options were lacking, so the speck of my energy was the only standing hope to my self controlling. I was so freakin' tired, I can barely feel my toes.
Inside my classroom. Of course my classmates asked why I wasn't on my uniform, I told them why and lay my head on my pillow like sling bag. Before that, I asked Krishna why she was studying she said maybe a test would run along before time and its best to be ready. I agreed with her, I saw my book above the lockers, I laid on them and highlighted everything which I believe will be on the items. I got a high score. It didn't occurred to me till then because I was anxious for the first period to bell.


Taekwondo Christmas Party :) 
Marge texted me to come but I couldn't coz I have to go back home and change.
I wore my uniform when I got back to school and voila! Afternoon classes ended soon enough.


The regretting part happens here... I got a huge fight with my brother just because of useless small things that can be handled through good conversation... 
His eyes grew big if I'm not mistaken, threatened and scared. I told him that if I had the chance to cut his head off I wouldn't let it pass. He was scared of me ever since. I took advantage of our age gap but it wasn't really that of an advantage because he cared less now. He went upstairs and I turned my back against him and recalling that look on his face, it was horrible, he cant even lay his eyes onto mine. I snapped and bit my lip. I wish I never said that.

- Kel

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I didn't made these questions up for me to answer, but I got this from chain messages on Facebook. 
Yesterday I scan all of my notes on my account and saw these hanging like as if they ran out of use since my contacts find it now "ancient". People needed some new information. So these tagged notes piled up and formed like a garbage bin, it occurred to me that maybe I can do something to make use of it again. To take advantage to not over populate my notes, I decided to recycle it here. = )  ENJOY!

she tagged me. I'll tag you.

by Kel Chavez on Sunday, November 21, 2010 at 12:09pm
You've been tagged!  If you are reading this, you have the honor of copying all these questions, writing your own response, and tagging 25 other "victims". You have to tag me, too, so really you just need 24 more people.

1. What time did you get up this morning?

2. How do you like your steak?
 i want it with good sauce all over.yum. but anythings kewl as long as it tastes like REAL steak. 

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
. the last exorcism.. Jiggy's treat :)

4. What is your favorite TV show?
Tyra, Parental Control and WIPEOUT :))

5. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
the land where they invented spaghetti :) Rome,Italy.

6. What did you have for breakfast?

7. What is your favorite cuisine?  
eating is my thing .. soo.. the kind of cuisine doesnt matter :DD

8. What foods do you dislike?
??...the food that doesnt taste like food. 

9. Favorite Place to Eat?

10. Favorite dressing?
like..what kind of dressing?

11. What kind of vehicle do you want to drive?
 the fastest and of course... GAS FREE.

12. What are your favorite clothes?
my favorite clothes.. any simple shirt with a simple design.. jeans.. and sneakers. converse.. the ragged ones. anything comfortable.

13. Where would you visit if you had the chance?
Holy Land ... wow. my grandma really did convinced me.

14. Cup 1/2 empty or 1/2 full?
doesnt matter.. the choices are the same. :)

15. Where would you want to retire?
anywhere with my family.

16. Favorite time of day?
sleepin time! coz my mind's creative.. my dreams go WILD.EXPLORE.FLY.

 17. Where were you born?
the best country in the world.Pilipinas.

18. What is your favorite sport to watch?
assoc.. means soccer :) coz this sport  leads ur emotions runnin..

19. Who do you think will not tag you back?
 i really dnt knw.. i dnt count people that doesnt tag me back. i count people who tag me.

20. Person you expect to tag you back first? 

21. Who are you most curious about their responses to this?

22. People watcher?
im not that kind of a person but.. sometimes curiosity wears me.

23. Are you a morning person or a night person?
A NIGHT PERSON. coz the sky doesnt inspire me the way stars do..

24. Do you have any pets? 
OH YES I DO. birds which i cant exactly call them names coz they're too many.. but not to worry coz they're all dead. DOGS.. krooky.. pit bull..he's rough.. Maxinne she passed away last June. :(( she's part of the family..she was already there before Kloe did. I LOVE YOU MAX :< 

25. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share?
2 in 1 .. Junior's OUTING!

26. What did you want to be when you were little?
a Hero :/ i know lame.. but i love batman soo much.. pro sang una pato o.o 

27. What is your best childhood memory?
childhood memory.. uh.. baking mud with cousins and playing whatever's there that is left to play with our neighbors.

28. Are you a cat or dog person?
DOG PERSON.. who wants a pet with nine lives? o.o

29. Are you married?
sure i am... no im just kiddin,... of cors not!

30. Always wear your seat belt? 
only when my mom told me to coz there's that time when police officer's have this freakin check points o.o

31. Been in a car accident?
NEVER. but if we're not talking bout cars.. ive been to 3 .. my legs explains it all.

32. Any pet peeves? 
yeah. dead air.

33. Favorite Pizza Toppings?
ham and cheese.

34. Favorite Flower?
roses are romantic and uh.. yellow bells are uplifting.

 35. Favorite ice cream?

36. Favorite fast food restaurant?

37. Favorite color?
black white gray blue and red :D

38. From whom did you get your last email? 
 didnt check my mail ever since.

39. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?
the hardest question.. if i had one :P

40. Do anything spontaneous lately? 
OH YES. witnessing soccer goals.

41. Like your job? 
like if i had one.

42. Broccoli? 
oh sure.

43. What was your favorite vacation? 
last summer. Tarlac =) wew.

44. Last person you went out to dinner with? 
w/ famley. :DD

45. What are you listening to right now?
how to save a life :D its good and worth replaying.

 46. What is your favorite drink? 

47. How many tattoos do you have? 
dnt hav one. but if i had one i'll stick with henna. not the permanent one.

48. How many are you tagging for this quiz? 
uh.. it says that i have to tag 25people.

49. What time did you finish this quiz?
8:45 pm and i really need to eat dinner.

 50. Coffee Drinker?


by Kel Chavez on Sunday, December 27, 2009 at 9:01pm
Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note. 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

(To do this, go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.


pls check if theres something wrong with my grammar ty :)
here goes..

1. the first impression of my mom when i first got out from her womb.. was..she thought i was a boy cuz i was bald :|

2. my parents couldn't be more happier when my first hair started to grow when i was ALREADY 1yr old.. imagine?!


4. 5 years of age, i was obsessed to FREE WILLY :)

5. I LOVE MOVIES! .. scary is the genre of my fav .. I LOVE SCARY & action movies

6. im not afraid of heights but im scared of frogs,, YAYKS

7. im a LOL person. haha!! i laugh alot

8. i never win against my bro when it comes to video games .

9. i love dancing,drawing and singing ( that took a lot of guts )

10. my lil sis named her doll "kelly" which i thought it was creepy.

11. my uncles and aunts called me "kaikai" until i found out that my real nickname was KELLY



14. my bro's best friend 'backdived' on the edge of the pool, i wanted to do it so badly.. without thinking i jumped off the pool and do the backdive which end up successfully haha!!:))

15. i cant stand a day without listening to music

16. i drink milk more than 3times a day.

17. i love the number.. 5,8,9,15 and 18

18. im a fan of shia labeouf and megan fox

19. one thing i learned this day from my grandma is " urinar antes de saler " spanish phrase w/c means pee b4 leaving haha!

20. i was born tuesday 2am in the morning JULY 20 1995

21. making my own expression is the least i can do being little less creative :)

22. i love word games

23. i have 2 big scars on my left leg

24. i cant leave the house without my tribal bracelet

25. i gave my mom the freaks when i told her i want to change the color of my room to black.


So, you read 75 questions with 75 provided answers lol. 
It may not tell that much about me, but it pretty much shows how I interact     
to people giving me situations if I were in them through asking. =)

 So far so good. But next time it'll be better.

I'll work on my redirecting part 3 ;)

Saturday, December 11, 2010


Dec 11 2010

Good Evening Earthings!

Forgive me for my late orientation but I'll make it up to you!
eh ehm ( clears throat ). ....

As the second child among the four of us, my parents gave me the name Mary Kyla Chavez. My first name  which I disregard derived from my mom's first name, Maria. My second name came from nowhere. And my last name's hard to tell where it originated or how the hell my ancestors end up labeling us with that, but its cool.
15 years of age, I became aware of the things that happened to me these days as a teenager and of course trying to remember what really amusing memories ousted when I was little. Recalling the memories are just amazing! Fantasizing the fact that our brain doesn't have any gigs to limit. Well, I'm contented of what life brings me. I love challenges that gives you the idea of experiencing, experimenting and deciding. What the heck? Deciding? I'm indecisive. But there's always these times when my friends and my family budge in and help me what to decide. I know, I'm that lucky. When times I feel down there's this beautiful thing that keeps the world ponder, music. Music is my soul's mystical element why I'm this energized and happy. I'm an optimistic person, I believe that's the nucleus to my charisma. LOLs. I love dancing, singing and reading, eventually I hate writing but exceptions when it comes to expressing. I collect reader's digest, I like learning new things and gaining information about the evolving nature why our Earth is as modern as we did or didn't expect. Yeah, the beauty of life. Expect the unexpected speaking of which I love surprises but if you'd tell me the scoop of it, I won't stop until you tell me. Curiosity kills! I love people who are down to Earth and putting on efforts to make the conversation alive, the ones that are easy to talk to. I'm a loyal friend, If you need me I'll try my best to be there and give a hand. I'm gonna make you laugh if I know there's something wrong. I'm the bestfriend who accepts who you are and demands your attendance if you're gone missing to my party. But to sum it up, I'm the bestfriend who listens. Oh. I love movies!!! Action, adventure and scary movies are the genre of my faves. I'm also into sports, I think I can be good at all if I do practice, except basketball whatever I do to let the ball love me and likewise to me, I really don't have the skills. But I have my sports of my own that I do love and practice, Taekwondo and Soccer.
I love sports but not much as my dad does. Speaking, my dad is my king and sooner or later I'll find my own prince, and if you'd ask me, I do have crushes. My crushes are based on their personalities,standards and qualities, they serve as my inspirations. Inspirations that refills the battery to keep you standing, from the shirt that I read while I was strutting the kiosks of the mall, it said that motives will get you started and desire will keep you going. Well, maybe my inspirations are the fuel to start it and to keep it from stopping. :))
I wish I had more to tell which I have but I'm running out of ideas and things that I might want to say.
Just a tip, GET TO KNOW ME :DD